Sunday, June 10, 2018

My Sabbath 15: Mom's House

Recently I've decided that I want to try to journal at least 15 minutes every Sunday. But when I went searching for my spare journals (I have a tendency to pick up extra journals and things in preparation for the future) I realized that either I was out or I had misplaced them.

So this is my next best option. :)

I've never been great at hand-writing journals, anyway, and I am a much faster typist so this works for the best.


What to write about. :/

Last week I was able to visit my mother. She was having a rather nerve-wracking doctors appointment and needed the support so, given that I work with a school and therefore get summers off, I dropped everything to hang out with her for a week.

What resulted is, well, kinda boring. I stayed up, reading fanfiction mostly, slept in each day (I won't tell you how late that was), and got "ready for the day" just a couple hours before my mom got off work. XD

So. Not highly productive. I was going to do a whole bunch of writing, taking advantage of the silence and solitude provided me, but instead ending up just relaxing and unwinding and doing chores for my mom around the house. When she came home each night we would do something together, whether it was grocery shopping or renting a RedBox movie, and it was simple and relaxing and full of lots of conversation opportunities.

Which was really nice, actually. I have been pretty much going non-stop since January. From that point onward I have had coworkers go on vacation, then systematically get sick, followed by ME getting sick, then having to prepare for my best friend's wedding AND me moving allinthesameweekend (*mental scream*).

Plus there was how I had to transition into being in a new condo with new roommates, a new ward, while coming to accept the fact that I have officially "Aged Out" of the Young Single Adult Ward (Congregation)...

(Here's a semi-accurate [and very cheesy] movie about what a Singles Ward is like...please pardon the fact that it came out over a decade ago...)

Which wasn't too bad--I was truly ready to move on and try the "Next Big Adventure."

Until I realized that most of my friends and my support system exist within the YSA bubble. And now I would have to make new friends in the Family Ward. :|

After conquering THAT little bit of stress, one of my coworkers got deathly sick right before the last two weeks of school, in a time frame where the teacher was also preparing to retire.


Therefore, me vegging out at my mom's place for a single week is nothing to complain about. I am really, honestly, quite grateful. :)

And now I can get back on track and be productive! :D

I received the responsibility of working with the young women in the Family Ward (these responsibilities are known as "Callings" within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/LDS Church/Mormon Church. Some are short-term, some are long-term, some of them you don't get 'released' from until you either move or after several years have passed).

To be honest, I am SUPER-STOKED about it. The main thing I missed when being in a YSA Ward was the lack of children and youth, and in all honesty, I prefer being around younger people to being around adults. Sad fact, but 100% true. I was just made to understand and get along with kids--it's how I roll. ;-)

The knowledge that I have summers off works out great with this, as well, given that I can attend Summer Camp without getting time off of work, and that my evenings will always be free so long as I continue to work for the State. :)


Also, here's a trailer for a cheesy LDS film made about Girls Camp. It's actually a pretty good film. *nods sagely* And fairly accurate... XD

Today I received a second Calling, however, that is an interesting addition. I have wanted to become more involved in Singles Activities within the Mid-Singles age range. It's very lonely being maybe one of three within our Ward, and a handful within our Stake (a multi-congregational area). The only problem is that 1. I am not super focused or motivated, and 2. I'm not really sure where to start. :/

Well, today I was Called to serve as one of two Stake Single Adult Representatives. Basically, we keep our eye on the state of the Single Adults and meet with a member of the Stake High Council (one of the ecclesiastical leaders of the Stake board) to plan activities. It's a "once a month" kind of thing. :)

Which I can definitely do. :D I'm not sure how, but I will figure it out. Especially with a lot of prayer and the Lord on my side.

I'm pretty excited about this summer and I am going to do my best to get as much done while participating in these organizations. :)

Wish me luck!

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